Monday, January 20, 2014

January 20, 2014

Wow! January is almost over!!! that's so crazy. 

The mission is already going by quick. I know that there is some hullabaloo about counting time in your mission but I promise you I love my mission. That being said, February is my 6 month mark! what!? I'll have been out half a year! that's so weird to think about. It does not feel like it's already been that long. Aaannndd we've got transfers again in 2 weeks as well. That's so weird. Ugh. time is flying by. But! I've been learning soooo much! 

I love the mission! I love this gospel! I've realized how great it is. 

I don't have a lot of time to write this week! sorry! But I'll tell you that I never thought that I would love the people that I teach so much. And how much I love my ward and how great they truely are! I love Spanish work! And guess what?! Hermana Pelaez said that my Spanish was at a 6! (on a scale of 1-10) yessssssss....

That means I'm improving. And she knows. she's Mexican. Me and Hermana Pelaez have great times together. she teaches me Spanish and I teach her English, and we both have a pretty great sense of humor haha so it's making this companionship quite lovely haha and she has the funniest laugh when you get her going haha we've had this joke going on that when we are tight on miles for the car that we will just pull out the bike and we'll tie a rope to it and I'll just roller blade behind her like on Napoleon Dynamite. Haha that one made her laugh for a good 5 minutes. Ah man, the mission life. I feel like little things get funnier on a mission. 

Our investigators are doing great! We have one investigator that we thought that we would lose but! He's decided that this gospel makes him feel different and that my friend is the Holy Ghost at it's best! So we are super super hopeful for him and honestly missionary work makes you realize how much Jesus and our Heavenly Father truly loves everyone so much just by the way that missionaries love them so much and only want the best for them and we try everything we can to see the happiness that lies ahead of them! 

....Jusssttt be happy! That's what I always want to say to them haha.

Anyway! I hope all is well! 
Love you all! 
Love Hermana Ficklin

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