Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27, 2014

Buenos Tardes!
So guess what? Transfers are next week! The mission is going by to fast! Ahhhhh! crazy! 
We've had a lot of great things happen this week! So I want to tell you about The Arriaga family! Juana is a member and she got baptized I think 7 years ago. She is my favorite, she's kinda like a second mom for me ( we always have mexican hot chocolate everytime we go to her house. YUM!) she has three kids, the oldest one I haven't met yet, but we have FHE with her two kids, Fransisco and Ashley. Well we are trying to prepare Fransisco to go on a mission and it has been going great! He got the priesthood two weeks ago and this week he served the sacrament! wahoo!!! He also went out with the missionaries to knock doors (I made him a missionary name tag that said "Hermano Fransisco" haha because we have a joke about calling him "hermano" haha it makes him sound old) Best thing ever! We have seen how their family has grown to be more in unity and it's like the coolest thing ever to see! I want my family to be like them! 
It's great to see how I want my family to grow up, there have been so many great examples in my ward of how I want to be with my family and how to be a strong LDS family. I've seen how much happiness it brings to be worthy and to follow the commandments, and it makes my drive to be an even better missionary so that I can help all of these people out here! 
So me and Hermana Pelaez were talking this morning and I shared a really cool thought that I had with her and I'm going to share it with you! 

I said that I was contemplating the true purpose of being a missionary, and that is to help people come closer to Christ. Well I said that everyday by one small act or another we are helping at least one person come closer to Christ. Either by a door step restoration lesson or just by an act of service. Just by our example of being like Christ we can influence others for good. Well we did some math and we've got 547.5 days in a year and a half. That means that if we talked to just one person a day for our entire missions, we've impacted over 500 people. Small or big, we made a difference. It was kind of an amazing moment to think about that. To think that we can influence that many people for good in just a small amount of time.
And I realized that being an example doesn't begin or end with being a missionary. It's for your entire life. You don't have to be a missionary to impact peoples lives either. Your entire life can be a huge role in helping others see the light of Christ! Just by being an example of trying to live Christlike can help others have the faith and courage to change for the better and I know that this is more true than ever! 
I've seen so many people slowly start to change, and I've seen the happiness and peace that starts to come into their lives as they choose to live the gospel. And it's great to see that this blessing of seeing others happiness doesn't end with a mission! It's the best feeling ever!
We are all an influence for at least one other person. Especially for your family and friends. You'd be surprised at how many people actually are influenced by you, and I know that your impact can be a powerful one, even if you will never know it, living as Jesus Christ lives is a hard path but a beautiful and meaningful path that will bring more blessings into your life as well as into others lives. I really really really  know that this is the truth! And I love it! 
keep strong! be happy! and be an example for others! 
until next time,
Love you all! 
Hermana Ficklin

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